ProjectsWater-cooled infrared heater to fit inside a 5 inch magnet


Custom designed water-cooled infrared (IR) heater to fit inside a 5 inch magnet. The IR heater has a 1.1 inch ID to accommodate customer supplied specimen tube. IR heater has 4 – 1000W short wavelength T3 lamps focused to the center of the chamber using polished aluminum elliptical reflectors.

IR heater can be operated with AC or DC voltage, each lamp is rated 1000W at 240 volts. The power supply for the IR heater should be design to operate the lamps overvoltage for greater heating potential. Water cooling rate: 1.0 gallon / minute. Electrical: two lamps wired in series lamp, 480 volts AC/DC or greater will drive lamps to full or greater output. 5kW @ 560 volts DC, 9 amps.

Design Requirements: 
  • High temp (1000C) specimen heater
  • Specimen in a reduced oxygen atmosphere
  • Non-metallic heater components required to operate inside a large magnet
  • Heater (diameter) must fit inside a 5 inch ID space.
Design Features: 
  • Heater chamber with split clamshell configuration
  • Four 1000w T3 short wavelength lamps were used  with an elliptical reflector to focus the IR energy to the center of the chamber where the specimen is located
  • The elliptical reflector are water-cooled aluminum with polished interior surfaces for best performance
  • The chamber has a center 1 inch (25mm) opening to accommodate the specimen in a sealed quarts tube to control the atmosphere  
Support Systems: 
  • A DC power supply was selected for compatibility inside the magnetic field
  • Special tooling was designed and used to create the reflector in the size required
  • Ray tracing software was used optimize the reflector design and predict the target heat flux was sufficient to react the specimen temperature