ProductsModel 5820

ControlIR 5820

The Model 5820 ControlIR Digital Power Controller is a versatile, easy to use yet powerful controller that provides the following features:

  • Touchscreen for intuitive, quick and informative operator interaction
  • Phase Angle fired load signal
  • Continuous or Timed output mode
  • 0.1 to 999.9 second timer function
  • Idle and Run output levels in timed mode
  • Display of Watts, Amps and Voltage. Instantaneous and Peak during timed mode (optional)
  • Display of Temperature. Instantaneous and Peak during timed mode (optional)
  • Dual Output Channels (Optional)
  • Remote (footswitch) start function
  • Remote Interlock
  • Closed Loop PID Control (Optional)
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