
If you would like more information on our products or services contact us using the information below. We have sales, engineering, customer service and technical support groups available to help you today.

Primary Phone

(952) 949 - 9009


(952) 949 - 9559

Mailing Address

Precision Control Systems, Inc. / Research Inc.
10397 West 70th Street
Eden Prairie, MN, USA 55344

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central Time


(952) 829 - 8349
(952) 829 - 8503
Customer Service
(952) 829 - 8355

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Independent US Sales Representatives

  • Busch Electronics Inc.
    Minnesota / Wisconsin / Iowa
    (651) 288 - 2580
  • Heartland Controls
    Kansas / Missouri / Illinois / Indiana / Wisconsin
    Kansas/Missouri (913) 239 - 8805 | Illinois (708) 478 - 5210 | Indiana (574) 842 - 2970 | Wisconsin (262) 251 - 8600
  • Jordan Marlar Hale Incorporated
    Tennessee / Mississippi / Alabama / Arkansas / Louisiana
    Memphis (901) 452 - 7441 | Watts (800) 331 - 2426

Independent International Sales Representatives

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