ApplicationsDry Paint and Varnish on Steel


A hand tool manufacturer drying solvent-based primer, top coating and varnish on steel strips.

  • Three Coatings - The different drying characteristics of the primer, top coating and varnish had to be accommodated by a single drying system on the paint line.
  • Lack of Floor Space - There was virtually no floor space to install an in-line drying system.
  • Line Speed - Line speeds of 60 feet (18 meters) per minute were required initially, with expected increases within 12 months.
  • Heat - Six Model 4185-25 Infrared Strip Heaters were used to dry the coatings in line.
  • Power Control - A Model 664K Phase Angle SCR Power Controller controlled the Infrared Strip Heaters.
  • Vertical Installation - The Infrared Strip Heaters were installed vertically using vertical burn lamps.
  • Single Drying System - The versatility of the Model 4185 Infrared Strip Heaters allowed the manufacturer to dry all three coatings with a single drying system.
  • Well-Utilized Space - The vertical installation of the drying system did not use valuable floor space.
  • Fast Drying Time - All three coatings could be dried within 8 seconds and the required line speed was achieved.
  • Modular Design - The modular system design could handle future increases in line speed with an increase in the number of Infrared Strip Heaters used in the system.