ApplicationsHeat Molded Toy Parts


A toy manufacturer applying heat to remove excess plastic fray from plastic parts.

  • Environmental Concerns - Environmental issues forced the manufacturer to look for an alternative to heating the plastic fray with a gas-fired flash furnace.
  • Heat - Two Model 5194-10 Infrared Line Heaters were used to heat the plastic parts to remove the fray.
  • Power Control - A Model 5620 Phase Angle SCR Power Controller controlled the power to each of the heaters.
  • Instant On/Off - The quartz lamp in the Infrared Line Heaters heated up and cooled down instantly in response to power changes.
  • Environmentally Safe - The Infrared Line Heater provided the manufacturer with an environmentally safe method of heating the plastic fray.
  • Responsive Heat Source - The design of the Infrared Line Heaters, combined with the instant on/off capability of the lamps, allowed the manufacturer to start and stop the heating process as required by the production line.
  • Adjustable Heat Output - The Phase Angle SCR Power Controllers made it easy for the manufacturer to adjust the heat output to match the requirements of different colored parts.
  • Cost Savings - With the new heating system, the manufacturer was able to run the heaters at 45-50 percent power and save approximately 35 percent in energy costs per year.