ApplicationsHeat and Bend Plexiglass Parts


An office products manufacturer heating Plexiglas (Luxan) prior to bending it into shape.

  • Poor Quality - The existing forced air convection heat source resulted in stress marks in the bent Plexiglas.
  • Excessive Scrap - The manufacturer had to scrap eight percent of all parts due to excessive stress marks in the bends.
  • Employee Discomfort - The forced air convection heat source had to be left on continuously, making employees uncomfortable.
  • Heat - A Model 4185-38 Infrared Strip Heater was used to apply heat to the Plexiglas prior to bending.
  • System Configuration - The Infrared Strip Heater was installed over a table that contained a bending form. After one bend area was heated and the bend made, the table was turned to repeat the process on a second bend.
  • Instant On/Off - The Infrared Strip Heater heated up and cooled down instantly.
  • Improved Quality - The Infrared Strip Heater eliminated the stress marks at the bend in the Plexiglas.
  • Reduced Scrap - With the Infrared Strip Heater, the manufacturer was able to reduce the scrap rate by 94 percent to less than .5 percent.
  • Improved Employee Comfort - The instant on/off capability of the Infrared Strip Heater made it possible to operate the heater only when heat was required prior to bending the Plexiglas, significantly improving employee comfort.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption - The manufacturer realized a 32 percent savings in energy consumption over a 16 hour shift by using the Infrared Strip Heaters as the heat source.
  • Space Savings - The Infrared Strip Heater took up less work space than the heat source it replaced.
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